Saturday, September 11, 2010

Week 2, 9/6-9/10, Post 2

This ad speaks to new students, like myself. Although it is in Swedish, I at least knew it was for me with the Uppsala University seal at the bottom and the word 'student' in there. I have noticed a very different idea of having a social life here in the university town compared to the one at my school. Although at U of I we have events like Quad Day, the social life here in Uppsala with the nations is a much different atmosphere. The main part of the idea of social life here is including both genders together. At most American universities, the social life is divided by sororities and fraternities. Each have their own unique personalities just like the student nations, but here the nations are for both genders and therefore much more encompassing. Also, the professors at this university support the nations and there is not as much of a push and pull as there is between Greek life and classes at U of I. This is very 'Swedish' because it seems like the ideal way for everyone to be included in the fun and for all parties to be in agreement. Each of my professors here have stressed the importance of staying involved in the social life here in Uppsala just as much as they have stressed the importance of studying and being a successful student. It seems here in Sweden that leisure is taken more seriously and is important for mental health and wellbeing. In America, work is more stressed and is the main idea of attending a university. With the comfort of knowing that being unemployed means you are still taken care of, the idea of social life is very different.

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