Monday, December 6, 2010

week 11, post 2, anti smoking advertising

Sweden's anti-smoking efforts
American anti-smoking commericial  (The Truth anti-smoking ad)

It is hard not to notice the big difference in advertising between tobacco use in the U.S compared to Sweden. Pictured on top is a pack of cigarettes with a message on it to deter tobacco users from smoking. This method of advertising is the only type I have seen for smoking while in Sweden, which is very different from the messages we get in the States. Smoking is a big topic of debate in the States,  with some states such as Illinois establishing laws to prevent smoking in public restaurants and clubs. I have noticed that in Sweden, smoking is more common, but less looked down on. While some people seem bothered by smokers here, it doesn't seem as commonly talked about as being a serious health risk or a negative personality trait. However, both forms of advertising use similar guilt methods. By expressing how harmful smoking is for not only yourself but others around you, both of the ads show a selfish side to being a smoker. The content of the ads differ slightly, but both use a similar tactic of catching the consumer off guard and kind of sticking a fact in their face that they are sure to remember. While these efforts are so different from each other, they are very alike and show that Sweden's creativity can be similar to Americans when it comes to advertising. 

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